If you are not a sufferer of MCS, this must be hard to understand.
This page is designed to help you.

Chemicals found in after shave, perfume, scented hair products, and scented cosmetics, lotions, powders, and soaps can be hazardous to your health and the health of others.

A person who has MCS not only needs to avoid personal use of scented products but also needs to avoid other people who use such products and places that have picked up their smells.

As you probably can imagine, this is difficult because "smelly stuff" seems to be everywhere these days. This rules out movies, theaters, going out to dinner, amusement parks, shopping,and attending meetings. This is especially true of large gatherings like conventions or asemblies. A person with MCS has to deal with this difficult task every day, but to you the whole concept may be new and strange.

It's understandable that you may feel puzzled, annoyed, hurt, intimidated, or even insulted a little by a request to leave off the scented stuff when you're going to be around a certain person or going to be in a certain space. How are you supposed to understand this request when you've never had it explained to you before? Here's your chance to understanding to protect your own health at the same time.

Many times you may not understand and take this personal. It is not a personal thing against you, it's all about chemicals.

It Is Not the Smell Are You in Danger? What is Wrong With It?
Asthma and Fragrances Some Symptoms The Law
Chemicals In Scents Help Us and Yourself Scents and Illness
Safer Products Hear Their Stories

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