Some Safer Products

Fabric softeners, anti-cling products, disinfectants, other strongly-scented products, and most detergents have toxic ingredients. If you use hair mousse and gels, hairspray, or chemically process your hair, it will need many washings with a safe shampoo and the passage of time before you can be around someone with MCS without making them ill. What may seem a mild fragrance to you can be excruciatingly toxic to someone with MCS.

Listed on the "Guidelines for Non-toxic Living" <nontoxic.html> page are a few of the many safer products available. Some products are available in local health-food stores or from mail-order stores, such as NEEDS (1-800-634-1380 NOTE: Ask friends with MCS which products are safe for them. The products each of us can tolerate vary from person to person.

Please be kind to yourself, the environment,
and the people you love, especially those who have MCS.

Hard to Understand It is Not the Smell What is Wrong With It?
Are You In Danger? Some Symptoms Asthma and Fragrances
Chemicals In Scents The Law Help Us and Yourself
Scents and Illness Hear Their Stories

Enjoy Your Stay